GUEST BLOG: Unwelcome Visitor
Anxiety attacks are on the rise. Horrible for anyone but positively terrifying for a first-timer… GUEST BLOG
Fitter from Forty
Midlife seems a bit crap doesn’t it? We are at peak ‘stress’ with kids and parents to care for, demanding careers, we’re moving less, knackered from poor sleep, (either children or night-sweats, or both), and feeling unmotivated. It’s exhausting and leaves many women feeling drained of their joie de vivre.
Can we give ourselves a break when it comes to our bodies?
Hormone Help
This is a whopper of a topic - and it’s been the elephant in the room for so long. But as it’s right at the heart of the changes some of us are battling with on a regular basis, I’m not just inviting it in, I’m serving it tea and bloody cakes.
The Raaaaaaage
I started writing another blog post about endoctrine disruptors, but frankly I even bored myself. So I thought I’d write a post on THE RAGE as I’ve felt it cascading through my body today. It’s the shocking suddenness of it – I can feel completely fine and then, in an instant, I am livid…
March Goals… A Daily Dose of Probiotics
So here’s the deal. I have a long and complicated history with mental health. Despite being resolutely upbeat and genuinely loving life, I have suffered horribly with both post-natal depression (x3) and two big bouts of depression before I had children…
Called to the barre
I’ll be honest - I don’t have a fitness background at all. AT ALL. Historically (turning 40 this week - I feel I can now justify the term) I have put myself firmly in the ‘exercise ain’t my bag’ camp…